Earn rewards now through January 31st. For every $10 spent; earn a punch on your loyalty card plus some free goodies. After your entire loyalty card is punched out to the max (by spending $100), you get to take 20% off any item in the store during our Customer Appreciation Month in February 2019.

Have you been dying for a brand new diaper bag backpack?! Done! 20% off!
Want to add the latest Tula print to your collection?! Done! 20% off!
How about a luxuriously comfortable nursing bra that ACTUALLY FITS?! Done! 20% off!
Every completed loyalty card equals one item at 20% off, so the more you spend the more you save! There are NO LIMITS on how many discounted items you can earn.
...I'm still working out the kinks on offering this exclusive loyalty discount online.... bear with me on that excitement!

What's the catch?
You've got to keep track of your loyalty card! Don't lose those completed cards.
You've got to turn in your completed loyalty cards in order to redeem your 20% discount. Redeem, Redeem, Redeem that discount in February... all. month. long!